Prayer Ministry

“Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar. For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations”
– Isaiah 56:7


For us as Christian healthcare workers (who work at the same heath facility), to come together to PRAY and to develop a practical PRAYER STRATEGY for our place of work, is a supreme priority!!! This is very, very important.

We seek to pray PERSONALLY, to pray PRIVATELY, to pray with our PEERS (as we meet impromptu or in passing; even short “open-eyed” prayers in the corridors), to pray PUBLICLY (in our fellowship meetings or in the cafeteria), to pray privately with PATIENTS (as the Lord leads and allows), to pray with our life PARTNERS (our spouses, if we are  married, and with our children, if we have children; including family prayers), to pray with our PARENTS, to pray with our PASTORS (and other elders), to pray in our PRAYER-TRIPLETS (See below please), and to pray during our PENIEL weekends (of special times of meeting and being alone with God)… 

  1. HCF Prayer Triplets – Explanation – 2021
  2. HCF Prayer Triplets

Part of the Global HCF prayer strategy is furthermore to promote prayer in the following practical ways:

 The use of “B.L.E.S.S.” prayers Body (physical needs), Labour (work and financial needs), Emotions (psychological needs), Social (relationship needs), and Spiritual needs…

 Doing Prayer Walks: on our way to work, at work, and on special occasions.

 How to spend have an Hour of Prayer (See under Resources)

 How to have a Day of Prayer (See under Resources)

 How to have the Monthly HCF Day of Prayer (1st Wednesday of every month) 

 Daily HCF-related Prayers using The Trumpet Call.

 The Silverline Initiative: retired people praying for healthcare!

 The 4-14 Window of Prayer: encouraging and mobilising children between 4-14 years of age to pray for healthcare!

 Conducting a Healthcare Sunday in as many as possible churches (once a year at least); usually on the Sunday closest to “St Luke’s Day.”

 National Prayer Hubs of to be formed in the top ten most populated countries: China; India; USA; Brazil; Indonesia; Pakistan; Nigeria; Bangladesh; Russia; and Japan. 

 Prayer for the HCF International Partners: like ICMDA, IHS Global, Kardia Foundation, Prime, NCFI, Ukraine Medical Outreach (UMO), Health Outreaches in the Middle East (“HOME”), OMS International, Presbyterian Church of South Korea, Korean Central Presbyterian Church.

 To have regular Concerts of Prayer.

 To mobilize local churches to pray for healthcare…

 Calling for days of humbling & fasting prayer before God!

 Spiritual warfare praying, etc.

 Raise one million Prayer Warriors in healthcare for healthcare in the next 10 years (as was mentioned above).

The goal of the HCFI prayer ministry is to develop within the next 10 years, an effective network of one million intercessors to prayerfully support the HCFI vision of a global transformation of  healthcare through the service of multiplying disciples practising Biblical healthcare which honours the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you willing to join us in this great prayer adventure?   You can begin straight away!

  • Pray with us at 09:38 AM every morning (or 09:38 PM if it suits your work better). Set an alarm for 09:38 and pray (at the very least) Matthew 9:38 over the healthcare field in your locality and region and nation. “Lord, we beseech You, send out workers into Your ripe harvest field of healthcare.” Such a simple request can have profound results!
  • Should you like to have more detailed prayer requests sent directly to your mobile phone each day via WhatsApp – this can be arranged.
  • The first Wednesday of every month is the HCFI Prayer Day. Meet up with a few colleagues and/or friends and/or church members to ask God’s blessing upon the healthcare field of your nation – this can be done face to face (best if possible) or by phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. 
  • An email will be sent to you each month with some encouragement and topics for prayer. If you would like to be linked with some folk to pray with each month, we can do that too!
  • Please share with us your health-field-related prayer requests and we will join you in praying for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done.
  • For any or all of the above, send an email to HCF Global Prayer Ministry here.
  • Up to date news on prayer projects and events can be viewed on our HCF International FaceBook page – HCF Global.

More information about the HCF prayer strategy and ministry is available in the module on “Serving God in the Health Field” (on the international HCF website). But it needs to be emphasized: The primary need is not the multiplication of prayer meetings, but that individual Christians should learn to pray”!!! This is extremely important and explained well by Dr Andrew Murray in his last and important book, “The State of the Church”. An abbreviated version, applied to HCF is available in the section for Resources…

Daily Dose

Daily Dose 1058 from HCFI
Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called. 1 Corinthians 7:20 NKJV
Dear Father, make us reliable disciples with deep loyalties who keep our long-term commitments as we fulfil the comprehensive calling You have placed on our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Bible reading Job 15-16