About Us

What is HCF?

We are a fellowship of Christians in healthcare…

What is our goal?

Our goal is God (the one, true, living, Triune God – Father, Son & Holy Spirit) and that healthcare workers may come to KNOW Him, SHOW Him & SHARE Him with their patients and peers (and others), so that they too may come to know Him – to His glory!

We believe it is God’s goal that there will be a local Christian fellowship (including healthcare workers of all categories) at each health facility in the world!

What is the vision of the Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI)?

Our vision is that, by the grace of God and undergirded by its supporters, the Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) will become a prayerful evangelical fellowship with trained people implementing Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and Great Command (Matthew 22:36-39) within the Healthcare Field.

Please see more at the HCFI website: www.hcfglobal.org

In one word, the HCFI vision is: THE LORD JESUS…!

How did the HCFI start?

We believe that the HCFI started in the heart of God. It was birthed through Francis Grim in 1936, in South Africa. As Francis and his brother, Carl, visited their dying father in hospital, they saw the need for healthcare workers to know Jesus. They also saw the privileged position of healthcare workers, and the amazing opportunities and the awesome responsibility they have to share the love and the life of the Lord Jesus with sick and suffering men and women and children. The HCFI was started to help healthcare workers (of all categories) come to know Him, show Him, and share Him, and that through them, their peers and patients may also come to know Him. The Lord blessed it and it spread across the world. The HCFI is now active in more than 100 countries of the world.

What is the focus of the HCF?

The focus of the HCF is on the LORD JESUS, and with Him, on PRAYER, EVANGELISM and DISCIPLESHIP.

Who is the HCF for?

It is for ALL Christians in healthcare,
and for ALL categories of healthcare workers!

This means, it’s for carers, cleaners, clerks, clinicians, chefs, car-guards, caretakers, cashiers, counsellors, controllers, carpenters, coffee-makers, chief executive officers, chief matrons, class 4 workers, chaplains, …and anyone else!

It is NOT just for doctors, or nurses, or admin staff, or allied health professionals, or Class 4 workers, no, it is for EVERY Christian healthcare worker! Obviously, “not-yet-Christian” healthcare workers who are interested are also warmly welcome.

Church-members with a passion to care for sick and suffering people are also welcome!

What is the “DNA” of the HCFI?

We know from biology that the DNA contains the codes for the character and conduct of all the cells in the body. It carries the instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all cells. It carries the “words”, the “program” to make the basic building blocks for the multiplying and making of new cells.

Spiritually speaking, the “DNA” of the HCF consist of, at least, the following:

  • The Lord Jesus Christ
  • Loving the Lord Jesus (and obeying Him)
  • Prayer
  • Evangelism (being witnesses of Jesus)
  • Discipleship & disciple-making
  • Whole-person healthcare (physically, psychologically, spiritually, socially & environmentally)
  • Shalom healthcare (also called Biblical or Integral healthcare)
  • The Word of God (the Bible)
  • The Cross of Christ (and His resurrection)
  • The fullness of the Holy Spirit
  • Victorious Christian living (in happy holiness and humility)
  • Servant-leadership & sacrificial service
  • Frontline healthcare workers

What are the ministries within HCF-India?

The 3 main ministries in HCF-India are: (1) prayer, (2) evangelism (witnessing), and (3) discipleship and disciple-making.

The other usual ministries in HCF are: (4) media (social, print, audio, visual), (5) training (or seminars, conferences, camps, online, residential and non-residential), (6) children, (7) ethics and healthcare trends, (8) finance, admin and management, and (9) development (including churches).

Over the last few years, the following actuality ministries were added: (10) medical outreach, (11) Saline Process witness training, (12) Lights 2020 leadership training, (13) Shalom healthcare or Biblical healthcare, and (14) Integral community health (ICH or “CHE”).

A local fellowship of Christians at a health facility (a local HCF), will always focus on the 3 main ministries, and add of the other above-mentioned ministries according to their needs locally, as the Lord may lead them…

Over the years, with the Lord’s help, training has become one of the strong ministries in HCFI. The ministry that forms the basis and the launchpad and the “power-house” and the “life” of all the other ministries, is the ministry of PRAYER. For more information on this, please visit the Resources section and click here for a summary.

What are some of the outstanding features of the HCFI?


  • Is for ALL Christian healthcare workers of ALL the different sections and departments and disciplines and categories…
  • Is a Christian, evangelical, inter-denominational, non-denominational, non-sectarian, Bible-based organization that is open for anyone (professional and non-professional) involved with caring for sick people… This may include carers at home and members of churches or members of the body of Christ (in general)…
  • Is a fellowship of born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, heartily welcoming any seekers of a right relationship with the Lord Jesus.
  • Does not emphasize or promote non-essentials, but seeks to major in the majors of our faith in Jesus.
  • Seeks to avoid non-essential doctrinal differences.
  • Is decidedly and definitely Bible-based.
  • Follows Jesus’ life of praying, teaching, preaching, healing, disciple-making, and sacrificial and loving serving.
  • Passionately promotes whole person healthcare, whole person education, and whole person disciple-making.
  • Seeks to promote Biblical Christian healthcare, also called Shalom Healthcare.
  • Is active in the field of medical ethics and healthcare trends.
  • Acknowledges the truth that the Lord Jesus is the Lord of health care, and seeks to promote the practical application of that glorious truth!
  • Seeks to build the kingdom of God in healthcare, in healthcare education and in research.
  • Focusses especially on the frontline healthcare worker (of all categories).

What about membership?

We do NOT have a system of membership in India, at present. Brothers and sisters who want to make free-will offerings to the Lord (for the development and support of HCF-India) may do so, and will find detail of how to do that under “Support”. In some countries, the national HCF of that particular country decides on a way of people becoming members of that national HCF, and of paying an appropriate
membership fee.

What is our “statement of faith”?

Based on the Word of God, our statement of faith (our doctrinal basis) is as follows:

  • The unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead;
  • The person of our Lord Jesus Christ as very God and very Man, born of the virgin Mary, His real and sinless humanity, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection and His ascension into Heaven;
  • The Divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Holy Scripture in all matters of faith and conduct;
  • The guilt and depravity of human nature in consequence of the Fall;
  • The substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His resurrection, as the only way of salvation from sin through repentance and faith;
  • The necessity for the new birth by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling in the believer for sanctification and service;
  • The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the judgment to come for the just and for the unjust;
  • The resurrection of the body and eternal life;
  • Hell as a place of eternal punishment for all who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ;
  • Heaven as a place of everlasting blessedness for all who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.

In brief, the HCFI places a strong emphasis upon the Deity of Jesus Christ and His Atonement; regeneration by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling fullness in the believer for personal victory and fruitfulness; the supreme authority of the Scriptures and the importance of personal and group evangelism.

How can I get involved?

The best way to get involved in HCF-India is to:

  1. Develop a personal, passionate, right relationship with the Lord Jesus.
  2. Pray to God for His working in and through HCF-I, and for Him to guide you.
  3. Get to know this website well and the resources and trainings that are available.
  4. Contact the nearest local HCF fellowship.
  5. Contact those you know who walk with God and are involved in HCF-I.
  6. Contact us through this website, any time!

How can I support the work of God through HCF-India?

Daily Dose

Daily Dose 1058 from HCFI
Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called. 1 Corinthians 7:20 NKJV
Dear Father, make us reliable disciples with deep loyalties who keep our long-term commitments as we fulfil the comprehensive calling You have placed on our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Bible reading Job 15-16