Daily Dose 501 from HCFI

The Word, which gives life! He existed from the beginning. We have heard Him, we have seen Him with our eyes, we have contemplated Him, we have touched Him with our hands! 1 John 1:1 adapted from CJB
Our Father, You are alive, and You communicate with us! Hallelujah! Hundreds of eyewitnesses heard, saw, attentively considered, and touched Jesus Christ Himself. Hallelujah! Our obedient trust in Him is not a jump into the dark at all. First, it is trusting the historical truth passed on by these eyewitnesses. Second, it is turning our back on sin. Third, it is a child-like leap into Your arms, calling on You for our salvation. Hallelujah! You have blessed us so abundantly through the Word, which gives life! Hallelujah! Amen.
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