
The Lord Jesus came teaching, preaching and healing. (Matthew 9:35).

He is our Teacher (Isaiah 30:20).

He wants us to teach others who are faithful to teach others… (2 Timothy 2:2).

Our teachings are done:

Local HCF Trainings

Local HCF trainings (non-residential) are conducted through day-seminars, or half-day seminars, or shorter sessions at the health facility or at churches or in the community. This may be at the request of the local healthcare staff or according to need. Topics may include: whole-person healthcare, serving God in the health field, work as worship, secrets of success, my work matters to God, stress and how to manage stress, inter-personal relationships, financial management, prayer for professionals, wise witnesses in the workplace, discipleship, total patient care, victorious Christian living, sickness and suffering, spiritual care, care of dying persons, God’s way of healing, counterfeit cures, spiritual factors influencing health, servant-leadership, creation vs evolution, ethical issues, choosing a life-partner, how to be guided by God, knowing and loving God, the Word of God, how to have a daily time alone with God, how to be happy and holy and humble, assurance of salvation, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, how to surf the internet
safely, social media and the Christian life, supreme priorities, temptations men/women/healthcare workers face, Saline Process witness training, Lights 2020 leadership training, Integral Community Health (ICH) training, Child Evangelism (CEF) training, the Divine Plumbline course, and more…

National HCF Trainings

National HCF trainings (residential) are usually conducted during national gatherings like conferences or retreats or camps or outreaches. We hope that some of the international HCFI modular courses will be conducted nationally in India in the near future…

International HCF Trainings

International HCF trainings (residential) are conducted every year at the HCFI International Training Centres in the Philippines (Manila) and in South Africa (Benoni). There are 5 modules of 1 month each.

Please see more detail at the site for the international training. It is strongly recommended that all full-time and part-time HCF staff, as many as possible National Action Team
members, as well as at least 1 or 2 leaders in each local HCF fellowship undergo some formal modular HCFI training (internationally or nationally).

Online Trainings

We have an excellent online training course on how to become and be a wise witness of Jesus in the workplace! It is the Saline Process Witness Training course. It is free of charge. While it can be done on your smartphone, it works best on your PC. It was developed by IHS Global. We call it “SPOT” – Saline Process Online Training. You can do it anytime, anywhere in the world, provided you have internet access.

Please visit:

We have also started to do Virtual Online Saline Process Witness Trainings, which you are welcome to
take part in!

Daily Dose

Daily Dose 1058 from HCFI
Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called. 1 Corinthians 7:20 NKJV
Dear Father, make us reliable disciples with deep loyalties who keep our long-term commitments as we fulfil the comprehensive calling You have placed on our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Bible reading Job 15-16